Understanding Roofing Warranties and What They Cover

Understanding Roofing Warranties and What They Cover from Republic Roofing. A roofing system is a significant investment for homeowners, and protecting that investment is crucial. One way to safeguard your roof is by understanding roofing warranties and what they cover. Roofing warranties provide peace of mind by outlining the terms and conditions under which your roof is protected against defects and damage. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of roofing warranties, explaining the different types, what they typically cover, and what homeowners should consider when evaluating and maintaining their roofing warranties.


Types of Roofing Warranties

Roofing warranties come in various forms, each offering different levels of coverage and duration. The primary types of roofing warranties include:

Manufacturer’s Warranty: This warranty is provided by the roofing material manufacturer and covers defects in the roofing materials themselves. It typically ranges from 20 to 50 years or more, depending on the material and manufacturer.

Workmanship Warranty: Also known as a contractor’s warranty, this warranty covers the quality of the installation work performed by the roofing contractor. Workmanship warranties typically last from 1 to 10 years or more.

Extended or Enhanced Warranty: Some roofing manufacturers offer extended or enhanced warranties that provide additional coverage beyond the standard manufacturer’s warranty. These warranties may include labor and installation costs and can last up to 50 years or more.

No Dollar Limit (NDL) Warranty: An NDL warranty covers both materials and labor costs without a predetermined dollar limit. It offers the highest level of protection but may come at an additional cost.

Manufacturer’s Warranty Coverage

The manufacturer’s warranty primarily covers defects in the roofing materials themselves. While coverage can vary between manufacturers, here are common elements included in a manufacturer’s warranty:

Material Defects: This warranty typically covers defects in the roofing materials, such as shingle delamination, splitting, or premature deterioration.

Wind Resistance: Most manufacturer’s warranties specify a certain level of wind resistance, ensuring that the roofing materials will withstand high winds up to a specified speed.

Algae and Mold Resistance: Some warranties include protection against algae and mold growth on the roofing materials, which can cause unsightly staining.

Duration: Manufacturer’s warranties vary in duration, with some lasting as long as 50 years or more for premium roofing materials.

Transferability: Some warranties are transferable, allowing you to transfer the warranty to a subsequent homeowner, which can enhance your home’s resale value.

Workmanship Warranty Coverage

The workmanship warranty, provided by the roofing contractor, covers the quality of the installation work. Here’s what a typical workmanship warranty may cover:

Installation Defects: This warranty covers defects in the installation process, such as improper flashing, sealing, or fastening of roofing materials.

Labor Costs: Workmanship warranties usually include labor costs associated with addressing installation-related issues.

Duration: Workmanship warranties can vary in duration, with some lasting for a few years and others for a decade or more.

Scope: The scope of a workmanship warranty may vary from one contractor to another, so it’s essential to review the terms carefully.

Extended or Enhanced Warranty Coverage

Extended or enhanced warranties offered by roofing manufacturers typically include an extension of the coverage provided in the standard manufacturer’s warranty. These warranties can be tailored to specific needs and may cover:

Labor Costs: Unlike the standard manufacturer’s warranty, extended warranties often include labor costs for repairing or replacing roofing materials.

Coverage Period: Extended warranties can extend the coverage period significantly, providing protection for 30, 40, or even 50 years.

Non-Prorated: Some extended warranties are non-prorated, meaning that they cover the full cost of materials and labor for the entire duration of the warranty.

Transferability: Similar to manufacturer’s warranties, extended warranties may be transferable to a subsequent homeowner, increasing the home’s resale value.

No Dollar Limit (NDL) Warranty Coverage

An NDL warranty is the most comprehensive type of roofing warranty and offers the highest level of protection. Key features of an NDL warranty include:

No Dollar Limit: As the name suggests, an NDL warranty typically has no predetermined dollar limit, meaning it covers the full cost of materials and labor for repairs or replacements.

Materials and Labor: This warranty covers both roofing materials and labor costs, ensuring that you are not responsible for any expenses associated with covered repairs.

Duration: NDL warranties can last up to 30, 40, or even 50 years, offering long-term peace of mind.

Transferability: Many NDL warranties are transferable, allowing you to pass on the warranty coverage to the next homeowner.

What May Void a Warranty

While roofing warranties provide valuable protection, there are actions and situations that can potentially void your warranty. Common factors that may void a warranty include:

Failure to Register: Some manufacturer’s warranties require proper registration within a specific timeframe after installation. Failing to register your warranty can void its coverage.

Unauthorized Repairs: Making unauthorized repairs or modifications to your roofing system without the manufacturer’s approval can void the warranty.

Improper Ventilation: Inadequate attic ventilation can lead to moisture buildup, which can damage roofing materials. Ensuring proper ventilation is essential to maintain warranty coverage.

Non-Compliant Installation: If your roofing system was not installed according to the manufacturer’s guidelines or industry standards, it may void the warranty.

Using Unauthorized Materials: Replacing damaged roofing materials with non-approved or off-brand products can void your warranty.

Failure to Perform Regular Maintenance: Neglecting routine roof maintenance, such as cleaning gutters and inspecting for damage, can potentially void your warranty.

Maintaining Your Warranty

To maximize the protection provided by your roofing warranty, consider the following maintenance practices:

Perform Regular Inspections: Conduct routine roof inspections to identify and address any issues promptly.

Keep Records: Maintain records of all maintenance, inspections, and repairs, including dates and receipts.

Clean Gutters: Clean your gutters regularly to prevent debris buildup, which can lead to water damage.

Address Issues Promptly: If you notice any problems with your roof, such as missing shingles or leaks, address them promptly to prevent further damage.

Ventilation and Insulation: Ensure proper attic ventilation and insulation to prevent moisture buildup and prolong the life of your roofing materials.

Hire Licensed Contractors: When making repairs or replacements covered by your warranty, hire licensed roofing contractors who are approved by the manufacturer.


Understanding roofing warranties and what they cover is essential for protecting your home and investment. Whether you have a manufacturer’s warranty, workmanship warranty, extended warranty, or an NDL warranty, knowing the terms and conditions is crucial. Regular maintenance, proper installation, and compliance with warranty requirements are key to maintaining coverage and ensuring that your roofing system remains in excellent condition for years to come. By familiarizing yourself with your roofing warranty, you can have confidence in the durability and longevity of your roof.

For more information, contact Republic Roofing at 901-437-5278. We service Cordova, Germantown, Bartlett, Memphis, and Collierville, TN areas.